About Remme-Los Self Help Centre:
Remme-Los Independent Living Centre for quadriplegics was initially started in 1987/88 by quadriplegics for quadriplegics to provide permanent accommodation, transport and other much needed services to spinal injured persons.
The focus of Remme-Los is to create a homely atmosphere for Quadriplegics & Paraplegics in which they can express themselves to the utmost of their capabilities and live a normal life.
Remme-Los now provide both accommodation in the centre and help to independent Quadriplegics and Paraplegics, living on their own or with families.
Based on available statistics more than 5% of the community are disabled, and it is this vulnerable group that Remme-Los seek to helpthrough care and support services, skills development and capacity building, poverty alleviation, outreach initiatives, awareness and prevention programmes. Remme-Los is concerned with a holistic approach in its service delivery, caring for the spinally injured, as well as the caregivers and families.
The major obstacle facing Remme-Los is the inability of the government subsidy to defray expenses. As you will realise we are therefore dependent on donations for survival.
As a non-profit organization we confirm our status as beneficiary under Code Series 700 (socioeconomic development) of The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice (Gazette no 29617).

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